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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

is it worthwhile, sell my printing for a dime, just one dime

I've been in the print industry for over 22 years and have witnessed first hand the growth of technology and always been on the cutting edge of the curve. In recent years, I've also witnessed the desire for quality print decline. Hey look, we all know that times are tough and that saving a dime is important. That being said, lets not forget that when we print, we represent the brand. If the color is not up to par the brand identity is compromised. The good news is that with G7 methodology, you as a purchaser of print can, with 100% certainty, know you are getting the best possible quality. To explain just how this is achieved, follow this link to an article I wrote in 2010.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Print is here to stay!

It is not often I just post a link for a blog article but this is worth it. Check it out!

or you can download a pdf of the info graphic from here: