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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mobile Marketing Importance of Education

Education. It's hard to believe that no matter how old we get, we never are finished with our education. The funny thing about that is that we often forget just how necessary continued education is. This is even more true when it comes to utilizing mobile technology to mass market. I consider myself to be fairly advanced when it comes to understanding this new technology. That being said, I learn something new about my iPhone almost everyday. Usually it has to do with something I wish it could do but can't. However, when I put that reality aside, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't hear about a new cool app or a great new mobile web site. I also see at least one example EVERYDAY of what I call failed attempts. 

I started writing this blog to help educate, to differentiate and to minimally try to encourage readers to think outside the box. When it comes down to it, thinking outside the box requires risk. Risk often results in failure. Failure however is a great measurement for improvement. I was once told by a friend that I was never going to become a really good skier. When I asked why, he responded, because you don't fall down and you can't get better unless you push yourself. It's funny how things work. Risk life and limb to become good. Thank goodness we won't suffer broken bones from failed marketing efforts but without them it is hard to determine exactly how good we are.  

Education of the marketing audience is tricky. We, as a population, are overworked, tired, sensitive, and face it impatient. So how do you educate when all of this is against you? My simple answer to utilize all channels available to you. Drive clients to informational videos, send instructions on direct mail pieces, follow up with email blast, create banner ads that encourage someone to take a few minutes of their valuable time to learn on your home page. Do all of the with vigor and with emphasis! 

In the end, all "successful people" WANT to LEARN. Successful people are a marketing demographic no one will turn their nose up at. 

Below is an example of a simple educational video that is being used to help educate the use of Junaio Augmented Reality Browser on LCPs 2011 Calendar for the month of July. We will continue to look for feedback from our audience and "learn".

One of the best things about educating is that a byproduct of being an educator is being educated in return.

1 comment:

  1. Mobile marketing advertising could be all types of marketing and advertising that use mobile phone. You can reach your audience anywhere and at the appropriate time is the key strength of mobile marketing. Thanks a lot.
