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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nightmares of Authors Alterations?

The number one issue any print or marketing collateral buyer faces when managing a project is to stay within budget. Almost every project ends with the discussion about unforeseen costs. Printers and advertising agencies alike call these Author Alterations. I call them nasty problems that put undue stress on the client relationships. The fact of the matter is, when they occur they need to be paid for and generally they are legitimate.

So what can you do? Communication is the key. When AA’s pop up, the client deserves to know the cost right away. Make certain you instruct your sales representative how you expect AA’s to be handled ie. Go ahead and proceed for anything under $200.00 but anything above wait for my ok. This type of information is critical to maintaining a healthy relationship between you and your printer.

Now lets talk about preventing AA’s.

The first step is to use SPELLCHECK. It’s free and every program has it incorporated into its tool set. Second, do ALL your proofreading prior to submitting files. After 18 plus years in prepress I’m amazed at the amount of AA’s that result from typos or incorrect words that are undetectable by spell check. (ie you instead of your, there instead of their, etc.) These two steps save thousands of dollars when followed religiously. In our manufacturing environment we have used the word “relentless process control”. Your file creation should incorporate the same phrase as part of its workflow. Proofreading and using spell check are part of your relentless process control.

Another way to prevent alterations is to utilize automation techniques offered by your printers. If your printer cannot put the same production tools into your hands that they use, you should be looking for a new printer. Technology has made it possible for clients to completely eliminate AA’s associated with copy or color alterations. Combine this with calibrated proofing in your office and AA’s can be eliminated all the way up to the press. Do I have your attention? Are you wondering what is necessary to do this? Good!

Automation can be simple or very complex. It is based upon establishing a working relationship with your printer and establishing some simple rules to trigger automated actions. Naming conventions, predefined layouts and accurate file preparation are the three most important factors that make or break automation. A willingness to take on the challenge is the first step to achieving the results every budget minded professional as been dreaming of. The choice is up to you. For more information or a live demonstration of the process, please feel free to contact me 847-561-5639 or your current sales representative at Lake County Press!

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